Liposuction for men

Were you aware liposuction is the most rapidly growing cosmetic procedure for UK men? Many men look to resolve regions of troublesome fat, unresponsive to attempts in exercise and diet, in pursuit of increased confidence,

Were you aware liposuction is the most rapidly growing cosmetic procedure for UK men? Many men look to resolve regions of troublesome fat, unresponsive to attempts in exercise and diet, in pursuit of increased confidence, being more in proportion or with the intent of pursuing a healthier lifestyle.  And which areas are men treating? The most popular areas men correct with liposuction include a stubborn double chin, an undefined or oversized stomach, gynecomastia (man boobs) and flanks (love handles).

For the low-down on each of these areas, why you have them in the first place and your choices for dealing with them, The Private Clinic have you covered. Giving you confidence in their information, the cosmetic group represents one of the leading medical clinics UK-wide, renowned for body sculpting and fat removal, using only the most advanced and effective available methods.


Chin and neck

Our neck muscles become increasingly lax with age. With male patients’ skin often being heavier and thicker, many older men consequently develop a double chin or undefined jaw line. Unfortunately, this can create an older and heavier appearance. Young men, who are otherwise healthy and in good shape can also experience this excess of fat in the neck or lower chin.

So what is the solution to a double chin? Available at The Private Clinic, both Vaser Liposuction and Micro Liposuction represent popular minimally invasive choices for extracting fat from and sculpting this region. Vaser Liposuction, to begin with, is an advanced liposuction procedure, targeting small resistant fatty areas in particular regions. And how exactly does it work? Tumescent fluid is injected within the target region, separating the fat cells from connective tissue to minimise post-treatment bruising and swelling. Following this, a small Vaser probe is inserted, releasing ultrasound energy and liquefying fat cells prior to their removal with liposuction. A highly effective alternative, Micro Liposuction can remove roughly 10-20ml of fat from the region, often more than enough to reduce the appearance of a double chin or submental fullness. In the procedure, tumescent fluid is similarly injected, before creating a small incision and inserting tiny ultra-thin microcannulas for extracting fat. For patients with a higher BMI and a large amount of fat to be extracted, Surgical Liposuction may be suitable. Although, a more invasive method, surgical liposuction requires general anaesthetic and more downtime after the procedure.



A common complaint and sought after treatment area is a bulging abdomen, with likely culprits being insufficient activity and bad diet. The infamous ‘spare tire’ can be resolved using Micro Liposuction, Vaser Liposuction or Surgical Liposuction depending on your requirements - as discussed, Surgical Liposuction patients are usually greater in size.  In liposuction to the stomach, a suction removes fat from under the skin in addition to above the stomach muscles.

For those looking to achieve a highly toned, athletic appearance, Vaser Hi-Definition is an advanced, highly effective variant of Vaser Liposuction. Offered at The Private Clinic, the treatment extracts superficial and deep fat found around the muscle groups, and can achieve the appearance of a six pack.


Gynecomastia (man boobs)

“Man boobs” affect 15 percent of UK adults, and occur when there is an excess of fat or tissue in the male chest.  Producing an irregular appearance, the condition leads some to feel self-conscious and seek a solution.

A form of the condition, Pseudo-gynecomastia, occurs when excess fat is the problem. This type of man boobs is usually due to factors such as obesity, drug addiction, and high acidic pH levels, which can be caused by excessive consumption of junk food. This fat can be removed through Male Chest Reduction using Micro Liposuction, Vaser Liposuction or the surgical method. When the tissue is thick and too difficult to extract using Micro Liposuction, Vaser Liposuction is a more effective solution. For patients desiring ultimate definition, and a highly sculpted, athletic look, the variant of Vaser Liposuction, Vaser Hi-Definition may be suitable.


Flanks (love handles)

The flanks, also referred to as ‘love handles’ are another commonly treated area. These are the stubborn fatty deposits at the sides of the body, between your hips and ribs. Sadly, an excess of fatty, starchy or sugary food can result in this troublesome fat, spilling over our waistbands. Sleep deprivation and stress can also play a part in this weight gain, and affect our hormones in such a way that encourages our bodies to store our fat rather than burn it.

And how can you get rid of these unresponsive fatty areas once and for all? Micro Liposuction, Vaser Liposuction, Vaser Hi-Definition  and the surgical liposuction method are all effective ways to eliminate these fat pockets from the waist.


How many parts of the body can I treat with liposuction at the same time?

Several regions of the body can be targeted simultaneously, with Vaser Liposuction, Micro Liposuction and the traditional method. However, The Private Clinic advises a maximum amount of fat for extraction per session. For Vaser Liposuction and variant, Vaser Hi-Def. The Private Clinic recommends a limit of 5% of your body weight in one session and for Micro Liposuction, 3.5 litres is the maximum to be extracted. For the traditional technique, your surgeon would advise you the limit involved in your individual case. For each procedure, the amount of fat that can be removed will inevitably be a case by case situation, depending on the size and amount of fat the patient has. There must always be a thin layer of fat in-between the patient’s skin and muscle.

The Private Clinic offer a multi-award winning array of liposuction treatments, customised to the needs of each individual patient. Their liposuction surgeons, representing pioneers in their particular fields of body contouring, liposuction and fat transfer, are together responsible for carrying out the largest number of minimally-invasive liposuction treatments UK-wide. To book a consultation with one of their industry leading liposuction surgeons, you can do so by calling 03339209135 or via their liposuction treatments webpage.

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